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Space and Architecture in an Educational Context

School children in Kenya are sitting at their school desks outside under the trees.
A school under the trees in Kenya (2012)

The following links will give you an insight into issues related to space and architecture in the context of education. This webdossier focuses on literature in the field of international educational research. The sources listed here provide a supplement to the suggested links in the special issue on "Room and space within educational science" (Raum und Räum­lichkeit in der erziehungs­wissen­schaft­lichen Forschung) of the German "Journal for Pedagogy" (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - ZfPäd), published in January 2016. While ZfPäd mainly features papers and literature from Anglophone and Germanophone countries, we will broaden this perspective by including Francophone, Hispanophone and Lusophone research. Since Argentina is the partner country of the 2016 Congress of the German Educational Research Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft - DGfE), congress focusing on "Room for education. Spaces of education" (Räume für Bildung. Räume der Bildung) there is an extra section on literature from Argentina.

Francophone Literature

This section was published in the link suggestions of the German Journal for Pedagogy 1/2016 (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - ZfPäd). It is freely accessible on the website of the German Education Server. The theme of this journal`s special issue was "Room and Space in Educational Science" (Raum und Räumlichkeit in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung). You can also download the link suggestions as a pdf file.

Hispanophone and Lusophone Literature

Spanish Literature

Parra Monserrat, David (2014): La educación silenciosa. Espacios escolares, discursos de poder e imaginarios colectivo. In: Bonastra, Quim; Vasconcelos P. Junior, Magno; Tapia, Maricarmen (Hrsg.): Actas del XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica: El control del espacio y los espacios de control. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona.

This essay deals with the socio-pedagogical role and symbolic dimension of school spaces, referring to a particular secondary school at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. The spaces are considered to be control instruments, memorials, and places of sociability, in which a specific social and political order is being reproduced.

Pàmies Rovira, Jordi (2013): El impacto de los agrupamientos escolares. Los espacios de aprendizaje y sociabilidad de los jóvenes de origen marroquí en Barcelona. Revista de Educación, 362, 133-158.

In „The impact of school grouping. Spaces for studying and sociability of Barcelona’s Moroccan-descendant youth” the author analyses aspects of segregation. However he does not do so by focusing on the segregation between schools (types of schools) and urban districts, but instead puts the emphasis on the segregation within one specific school. The main focus is put on secondary school providing education for students from the ages of 12 to 16.

Calvo Ortega, Francesc (2012): Escuela, espacio, poder. Estudios sobre educación y territorio. Barcelona: UOC.

In his book „School, space, power. Studies on education and territory” the author combines the analysis of various territorial strategies concerning education, city and politics, examining at which point they change into power relationships as defined by Foucault.

Rodríguez Méndez, Francisco Javier (2011): Influencias alemanas en la arquitectura escolar española. In: Hernández Díaz, José María (Hrsg.): La pedagogía alemana en España e Iberoamérica (1810 - 2010). Valladolid: Castilla Ediciones. S. 193-224.

Essay on the German impact on Spanish school architecture. The essay is an extract from a book on German pedagogy in Spain and Latin America between 1810 and 2010.

Longás Mayayo, Jordi; Civís Zaragoza, Mireia; Riera, Jordi; et al (2008): Escuela, educación y territorio: la organización en red local como estructura innovadora de atención a las necesidades socioeducativas de una comunidad. Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria, 15, 137-151.

In their article „School, education and territory: (The process of) being organised in local networks as a means to achieving an innovative supply system for socio-pedagogical needs of a community” the authors examine numerous school-related aspects. Those include the opening of schools to their social surroundings, as well as the benefits resulting from the interaction between schools and their neighbourhood, especially with regard to problems in schools.haftlichen Umfeld sowie die positive Interaktion zwischen beiden, unter anderem im Hinblick auf schulische Krisen.

Several authors (1993-1994): Monografía: El Espacio Escolar en la Historia. Historia de la Educacion, 12-13, 11-271. [special issue]

This rather comprehensive special issue of the journal Historia de la Educación concentrates on the topic of educational space in the 19th and 20th century, especially in Spain (including Canary Islands), adding a few examples from Cuba, France and Germany (Berlin, Hamburg).

Latin American literature

This section was published in the link suggestions of the German Journal for Pedagogy 1/2016 (Zeitschrift für Pädagogik - ZfPäd). It is freely accessible on the website of the German Education Server. The theme of this journal`s special issue was "Room and Space in Educational Science" (Raum und Räumlichkeit in der erziehungswissenschaftlichen Forschung). You can also download the link suggestions as a pdf file.

A further webdossier of Education Worldwide provides information on Educational Research in Argentina.


Andreis, Adriana Maria (2014): A aula: um território produto-produtor de espaço. In: Bonastra, Quim; Vasconcelos P. Junior, Magno; Tapia, Maricarmen (Hrsg.): Actas del XIII Coloquio Internacional de Geocrítica: El control del espacio y los espacios de control. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona.

"The Lesson: A product-producer of the space territory - Analyzing the lesson as a product of the space, within the assumption in which it is considered as a producer of the space, it is the idea that constitutes the central objective of this text. (Â…) I can say that the class is considered a dialogical territory, a product - producing space."

Almeida, Milton José de; Pimenta, Alan Victor (2010): Alguma Memória Do Futuro. Educação & Sociedade, 31(111), 501-515.

"A traditional school settled in a traditional avenue reveals a visual pastiche typical of residential districts transformed into commercial zones in cities that do not care for their visual patrimony."

Moussatche, Helena; Alvez-Mazzotti, Alda Judith; Bonilha Mazzotti, Tarso (2000): Arquitetura escolar. imagens e representações. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos, 81(198), 299-315.

"This study analyzes four school buildings located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The facilities were built in different moments of expansion of Brazilian`s Public Education system: 1870-80; 1930-40; 1960-65; 1980-90. This is a qualitative multiple-case study oriented by an interdisciplinary approach articulating the Theory of Social Representations with architectural studies focused on the "human-built environment". The objective was to verify if school architecture should be considered as part of the Brazilian Social Representation (SR) of School. (Â…)"


Coronado Ruiz, Jairo Alberto (2012): Los edificios de La Salle en Bogotá 1900 - 1935 : reflejos de arquitectura y pedagogía. Universidad de La Salle: Bogotá.

This book addresses the teachings of the French priest and educator John Baptist de La Salle (1651-1719) and his impact on school architecture in Bogota, Colombia, between 1930 and 1935.

Puerto Rico

López Borrero, Angela (2005): Mi escuelita. Educación y arquitectura en Puerto Rico. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Ed. de la Univ. de Puerto Rico.

The author gives a historical overview of 19th and 20th century school architecture in Puerto Rico and connects it with various educational trends, each also leaving their mark on school architecture. Moreover she links decisions on the architecture of schools (such as choice of name, the symbols being put up, shared or separate classes for students of different ages, gender, race,Â…) to Puerto RicoÂ’s political and social developments.


Beyer, Sabine (2014): Transformación arquitectónica del espacio escolar. Respuesta a las alternativas pedagógicas a través del espacio. Sartenejas, Caracas: Universidad Simón Bolivar. [Tesis en línea].

The author of the final thesis in architecture at hand compares traditional and alternative pedagogy, relating both to (traditional and alternative) (school) architecture. Extracurricular learning spaces, informal learning, as well as interaction with society play essential roles in that matter. The last chapter of this thesis includes concrete suggestions for some alternative architectural implementations.

Elmann Elie, Natasha (2013): Arquitectura escolar. La escuela, espacio de interaccion de la comunidad. Sartenejas, Caracas: Universidad Simón Bolivar. [Tesis en línea].

The present work takes an architectural point of view on school architecture. The origins of school architecture get explored, with early beginnings in Europe and the history of school architecture in Venezuela. Connections are then drawn to pedagogical concepts. The last chapter presents specific ideas for constructing a school.

Loreto Oropeza, Alejandra (2012): Arquitectura Escolar. La escuela como espacio para la transformación y como estructura de una sociedad. Sartenejas, Caracas: Universidad Simón Bolívar. [Tesis en línea].

In the thesis at hand, school architecture is seen from the architectural point of view. The author provides a historical overview of school architecture in Europe, Venezuela and Columbia. She then relates school architecture and pedagogy / pedagogical models. The text covers Maria Montessori, Loris Malaguzzi and the Reggio Emilia approach as well as Jean Piaget and the Operative Principle. The last chapter compares different current models of school architecture in Venezuela.
Last Update: 08.03.2016  -

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